Since last 3-weeks, Kalinga Swaraj Team continuously working with Govt of Odisha, Different State Governments, Govt Authorities, Hon’ble Members of Parliament, Members of State Legislative Assembly, NGOs, Other volunteer organizations and individual to help thousands of Odias in various cities. So far team has received distress call from more than 3000 people and acted on 1000+ priority cases. Our goal is to ensure help reaches to each and every stranded Odia!
While we continue to work day n night to meet our goal, we also take a pause to say ‘Thank You’ to all doctors, police personnel, govt authorities, cleaning personnel and food milk & grocery delivery folks, security guards, And all those who make essential services run so we could stay safe at home
Kalinga Swaraj Help Request form:
Our City wise contact details are as below
All India Whatsapp Number +91-744-744-9296
Pune –
Radhakanta khadanga : 8983480738
Hemant Panda: 9763362813
Jatin Das : 8055838189
Hyderabad and Rest of Telangana –
Asish : 9030375728
Sasmita mam : 8754000520
Kumar : 9032535086
Bangalore and Rest of Karnataka –
Lopamudra : 8984204266
Sushanta : 9538556416
Mitrabhanu : 7608054001
Mumbai –
Swati : 7008493921
Nabakishore : 8779025539
Sushanta : 9937977559
Kerala –
Satyajit singh : 7978221535
Delhi –
PK Patnaik: 8585904626
Bibek : 7774054326
Gujurat –
Sibasis Swain: 9657640500
Deeptiranjan : 7559456361
Chennai –
Harekrushna : 9595811890
Andhra pradesh –
Bibek: 7774054326
Lopamudra : 8984204266
Deepak : 8788009619


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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